
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

5-year Old “Spider Boy” to the rescue!

A five-year-old boy dressed in a Spider-Man suit became a real superhero in Brazil when he saved a baby girl from her burning home. (Read full story here)
A 5-year old boy doing a man’s job –that is simply amazing. I bet, his father is so proud of that heroic and selfless act; and his mother, I supposed is hysterical –you guessed right.

That story continues to reverberate in my brain. Why? Because it reminds me that children always find identities with superheroes. But, don’t you know that equally true, in the eyes of a child, his father (mother) is first his hero? Yes, before any other superheroes being marketed in the television and movies, a father or a mother is his real superhero. How?

Other than DNA, our lives leave a lasting imprint in the mind of our children. What are those? Values, attitudes, worldviews, and character are some of the most important things that influence them. They will walk and talk like us, whether you like it or not. Consciously and unconsciously, they become us, until in later life they realized, that is if they do, that they do not want to be like you, for some reasons of their own. Of course, that is something we do not want to happen. Albeit we want them to choose the kind of life they want, but deep inside we have always desired that they will choose the kind of life we have lived or even better. That is natural.

That 5-year old Brazilian kid acted instantaneously, because he saw it in Spidey. He emulated his example. Therefore, without regard for his safety, he went inside the burning house and rescued that baby girl.

A penny for your thought: Strive to be a good hero in your child’s eyes and he will surely become one too.