
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mistakes: My Stepping Stones to Improvement and Success

stepping stones
“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” ~Dale Carnegie
Sometimes work can be frustrating, and clients can be too unreasonable. One error, a small mistake, can be slapped to you as a sign of incompetence. “This is merely a little setback,” I would try to convince myself; “this too can be a stepping stone for something greater!”

Indeed! A glitch, a mistake, an error, can always be remedied, if not, it can be turned into an opportunity to improve. It is not easy, I must confess. If not for the project (and the bucks money involve plus my credibility), you can almost, instantly yell back and declare with indignation, to err is human –I am not a machine, I am not perfect! These things can always happen, and it will be rectified! However, that is not case. Nevertheless, it is better to accept these mistakes with humility, learn from them, and keep the goodwill of the client.

How's your day at work?