
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Online Education | An Alternative to Conventional Education

online-schoolI am often been referred to as a guy who is a 'jack of all trades but a master of none.' I didn't mind. I love to discover and learn new things that capture my interest.

In my view, education did not cease when we walked down that aisle and received our diploma in college. Education is an on-going process. Continuing education for that matter is essential to personal development. This generation is more fortunate because there are better alternatives to conventional education and accredited online degrees are now available on the net.

I remembered taking a short course on basic electronics 15 years ago on a correspondence-type school. In that method, you enrolled by mail and instruction materials are sent to you. After completing a particular module or subject, you have to mail back the resource book. You learn at your own convenience and at your own pacing. It is tedious and boring at times because of the lack of interaction. Fortunately, today, while same principle or medium applies, education that leads to a productive personal development is available through online schools.

Unlike with the correspondence type of education where you rely solely on the printed material, with online education, you have more access to a vast wealth of information available on the web, and is interactive.

From baccalaureate to graduate degrees, short courses on any field, personal development seminars, etc. -these are now accessible to any student of any age. And online degree scholarships are even available for deserving students.

What does this means for us? In my mind, as long as you have the desire to learn new things, any medium of acquiring knowledge and skills will prove useful. However, online education is an excellent alternative, than the conventional mode of learning.