
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Challenge and Importance of Fatherhood

"Who giveth this woman?" This woman. But she's not a woman. She's still a child. And she's leaving us. What's it going to be like to come home and not find her? Not to hear her voice calling, "Hi, Pops" as I come in? I suddenly realized what I was doing. I was giving up Kay. Something inside me began to hurt.

I recently watched the 1991 movie ‘Father of the Bride.’ It was hilarious. That statement by Stanley T. Banks (portrayed by Steve Martin) during his daughter's wedding caught my attention and so I copied the subtitle for this post.

I may have failed to give a concrete connection here, incidentally, the battle with my son’s custody is still pending in the higher court. What I have is only a temporary court order to keep my child. It is quite amusing to read the custody case of Britney (I know, this is old news or history), because the case is quite similar with ours. The difference is, we are no celebrities. Okay, I digress.

I am just probably feeling melancholic when I was deeply touched by Banks’ line there. No, I am not giving my son as a bride –silly. I mean, when the custody case is finally over and I lose –I will be giving up my son. That hurts. Really hurts. I don't want to come home in an empty den. I earnestly believe that I am a capable father, and I am up to the challenge of fatherhood.

However, I must confess that I cannot deny the fact that my son also needs his mother more than I need him.