
Monday, November 26, 2007

Kiss me on a Monday, for it is my Day of Rest

planner_schedulerYou will find me odd, but among the days of the week, Monday is my considered day of rest. Well, I still go to work, or should I say, I still work. I am a freelancer and I am not tied-up with a 5-9 job. However, in spite of this, the pressure to get results is greater. So I set aside Monday as my day of rest. Here are several reasons why:
  • I do not set appointments on Mondays, unless necessary or I am obligated by a client.
  • I spend half-day reviewing my previous week’s performance or accomplishments. You might consider that work –I don’t. Reviewing allows your mind to slacken from the pressure of meeting deadlines and look on the tasks in a fresher way. Again, for me, it is not work.
  • I spend the other half of the day planning and prioritizing my week’s tasks and appointments. That is not also work per se, at least in my perspective. It is said that 80% of our tasks are accomplished well on time if we spend at least 20% of the time planning (pareto principle in action , I suppose).
  • Lastly, I spend the rest of the day solely for an undivided attention with my son. AFK, and away from all my other activities –exclusively for him. Including turning-off my cellphone, mind you.
How about you, how do you spend your Monday?