
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Pre-requisite Dating Fundamentals

Today there are virtually unlimited resources available on the net regarding dating. However, in spite of these available resources at your disposal, dating boils down to the fundamentals skills or know-how that one needs to get an ideal date and continue dating. What are these?

Here are prerequisite dating fundamentals that you need to know and/or have:

  • You should arm yourself with excellent conversation starters. Dan Bacon, a dating expert, has written an excellent article on this. His tips are easy to follow, IMO those will suffice. With this ice-breakers, you can easily put every woman you meet at ease with you; that is of course, if you employ them appropriately.
  • You should know the type of date you are seeking. Create a profile in your mind the ideal type that you would date or probably would want to be with for life. It is not simply the question of who is the right and wrong girl for you, or what is your dream girl. You need a profile that will match your personality, likes or dislikes. Identify things (you have now) that you think can connect you to that ideal date. Think of the basics, i.e., career, jobs, education, sports, hobbies, etc. A point of similarity is imperative. This will be your starting point.
  • You should initiate immediate personality improvement (or modification? –quite a strong word huh) on your part. Meaning, you have to match yourself with the date profile you want. This is easy if you have done item 2 there. Otherwise, this will be a difficult feat for you. Probably, you have cited things that are possible for connections but you are no longer doing them. Like you used to be a gym buff but you have stopped frequenting the gyms due to your busy schedule, then you should start again. Who knows, you might find your ideal date there.
  • In the same manner, you should initiate long term personal and life improvements. Like career directions, financial status, starting a new hobby that you have always wanted to do, pursue higher education, etc. Draw a long-term improvement plan to match your desired profile date, which is, if you are planning for a long haul and are looking for that ideal mate to settle down with. Women love men with long term plans and visions, and are working hard towards fulfilling them. Do you have these? Start today!

Those are what I think the most common pre-requisite dating fundamentals to successful dating. Care to add?