
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Personal Effectiveness and Leadership

All improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures. ~Brian Tracey
I assert exactly the same principle with Tracey there. Any personal improvement begins in the mind, and carries on by the will to change for the better. In the same token, personal effectiveness and leadership begins in a right mindset, right values, and right attitude. There is no other way.

Why am I starting this posts series? There are several reasons actually:
  • Incidentally, next month, I will be giving a series of lectures on personal development for my client’s employees. The long holiday, gave me the time to read and review what I know and practice about the subject, I’d like to share some of the notes I gleaned there from. The comments (hoping you will start with your own ^^, -thanks for taking the time) that will be generated here will be used to improve those presentations. Not only that, I asked my students to check these posts, as an advance reading material, to set their mind on the subject, and also to solicit advance feedbacks.

  • It’s been awhile since I posted a lengthy posts on personal development -this is in fact one of my fave subjects. Kindly Check the nav bar on the right for those posts. I’d like to make amends.

  • Lastly, I have delved more on my ramblings and rants lately without providing positive tones of encouragement or sharing how I overcame these emotional ‘see-saws.’ This is actually trying to put into writing my account and journey towards personal effectiveness and leadership.

Your thoughts, testimonies (personal stories) and opinions are most welcome. I will even cite or include them should I found them relevant in any of the coming posts. Many thanks.

Let me leave you something to think about, in Tracey’s motivational wit:

It is not your past thoughts or your future thoughts what count; the only thing that makes a difference in your life is the way you think at this very moment.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comments. You have a nice blog.

    Leadership is one area that interests me a lot. I have conducted a lot of Leadership Seminars for Senior Management. Do feel free to exchange thoughts with me.



Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts ^_~