
Sunday, March 02, 2008

A Reflective Sunday: When things do not fall into places

You are a child of the Universe, no less than the moon and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should. ~Max Ehrmann
When things do not fall into places as we have planned or expected, it is so difficult to believe what Ehrmann said there. Confusions and frustrations will only drive you to be pessimistic and cynical about your life and those that around you. When people abuse you, you would even question their existence or yours.

Life, however we try to be pragmatic and optimistic in our approach will not guarantee us peace, justice, happiness, and satisfaction. We live to exist? Ahh! Tell that to the marines. We exist to live. Whether the ‘universe is unfolding’ or not, we exist to live. That existence should be sustained. And it should be sustained not at the expense of others. Not at the expense of their freedom, nor their happiness. You take responsibility for your own.

This is not to say that our empirical view of the universe, of life in general, and our belief in God should be put aside. This is merely making a sense of our existence. For without which, we cruise along life purposeless.

Another fallacy, I hate even to acknowledge, is that everything that happens to us has a reason. Ah, ‘holy crap!’ Can the dying children of Ethiopia or Cambodia serve to testify that there is a reason behind their deprivation of food and water? I will rant an endless list here but still no one can give any reason for all of those. They, all of us, have the rights to exist to live. Even when everything is falling apart, and we find no reason for our ‘why’s’ –we exist to live, and live we do with a purpose.


  1. Max Ehrman is one of my husband's favorites... he lives by Desiderada. Well said!! :)

  2. "You are a child of the Universe, no less than the moon and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should. ~Max Ehrmann"

    One of my favorite all time poems, regardless, but I'd also read that no one really knows who wrote it...

  3. It was actually being debated among classical theologians and philosophers -who wrote what or who copied what. Anyways, it's moot and academic. What matter is, the message continues to reverberate through the ages.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts ^_~