
Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Reflective Sunday: Spirituality and Career

All day I think about it, then at night I say it.
Where did I come from,
and what am I supposed to be doing?
I have no idea.
My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that,
and I intend to end up there. (Rumi)
Can spirituality and our pursuit of career success mix? Can we remain spiritual and yet be driven by our desire to get on top of the corporate ladder? Can we be both spiritual and professional at the same time? Can spirituality interfere or help us make important business and career decisions? If you are into ‘dichotomy,’ I can hear your resounding NO! However, if your view of life is holistic or you are a person who places emphasis on spirituality in everything that you do, then you will readily say YES. Honestly, I don't know where I am between those categories.
Bolman and Deal, in ‘Leading with Soul,’ observe:
The search of for soul and spirit , for depth and meaning (spirituality) in our lives, is fueling a powerful and growing twenty-first-century movement. It is a contemporary quest for depth, meaning, and faith that transcends boundaries of gender, age, geography, and race. It is a fresh and contemporary and specific to our time as the latest dot-com start-up. It is emerging as a counterforce to the modern technical mind-set that can land a man on the moon yet provides few answers fro bringing joy to life or meaning to work (career or business). *enclosed texts mine
This comes as refreshing news. If they were accurate in their observations, then corporate America should be seeing a new and dynamic direction in the way it does business and defines success. But that were not so. Many still perceive spirituality as something separate, confined in the litany of a religious gathering. We dichotomize. Then the other extreme is trying a guise of spirituality in business and professional life, which short fall of hypocrisy in effect. These two views erred considerably in a lot of respects.

While I am not in any of those categories, my aim is to seek a middle ground. What I want is a spirituality that emphasizes purposefulness in everything we do, whether it be within our professional lives, careers or outside. Spirituality that puts value on humanness, dignity of the human life, and embraces humanity regardless of differences. Spirituality that is, borrowing Bolman and Deal’s phrase, in search of ‘depth and meaning in our lives’ is more preferable. Spirituality that goes beyond the confinements of our religiosity and transcends the bounds of legalities and structures of doing business or pursuits of successful careers should be our aim. I sound so idealistic huh. It is hard indeed, albeit doable.

Your thoughts please. Enlighten me.


  1. Certainly the world would be better off if most of us approached your business life in a spiritual manner.

    When I am feeling a little down about the tasks I need to do, what ever it may be, or discouraged I simply focus on serving others and that totally changes the process and the outcome. It comes to life and has more energy.

    I do try to approach our business from a spiritual standpoint. I admit, I frequently loose site of that, but then remind myself to get back on track. I pray that God will guide us to those that we can serve and assist. And I've know God answers prayers.

    God wants us to be successful. I believe we can have what some one would label "corporate success" and approach our work from a spiritual standpoint.

    I'll admit that naturally is easier when one owns their own business and not so easy in the corporate world. But it all comes down to outlook, perception, and intent. So if one focuses on prosperity while serving man kind and God it can be achieved.

  2. For years I did hands on collection. I also ran a collection department. I always considered myself religious. Until I really started working on my spirituality and my prosperity, I didn't truly realize how GOD could really help me succeed - I mean hands on help me.

    Sure I prayed. Sure I believed. Now, I ask for guidance. Now I work everyday on my spirituality and prosperity through daily workshops. Just the other day, I learned that a simple mantra may have helped me collect more money, back in the day! I had my own way of using faith - and I did. Now, I have more hands on techniques.

    The odd thing is I learned all this since I've been freelancing. I have less stress; I'm happier and life is really good.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I firmly believe that God intended for all mankind to prosper. Whether it is financially or the growth in our spirituality.

    My church puts out a booklet of businesses that are owned and operated by Christians. It is refreshing to know that God is at work on each one of us that help each other through our businesses. It has broadened my circle of Christian friendships.

  4. Actually that is integrity. From the root word integer, which means being whole. That's what we all need to have, wholeness in our lives and not compartmentalizing our lives. Spirituality rally has to be a embedded in every part of our lives; in our career life, family life, etc.

    I appreciate your site. We need more sites like these. :)


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts ^_~