
Monday, January 19, 2009

On Growing old

old woman and her five menA friend forwarded this story to me a few weeks ago, and I thought you might enjoy this. It is actually a letter from an old woman about the five men of her life:
I have become a little older since I last saw you, and a few changes have come into my life since then. I am seeing five gentlemen every day. As soon as I wake up, Mr. Power helps me out of bed every morning. His first name is Will. That’s right, Mr. Will Power. Then I go see the next man in my life who really gives me great relief. His name of course is John.
Then Charlie Horse comes along and when he is here, he takes a lot of time and attention. When Charlie Horse leaves, Mr. Ritis shows up and stays the rest of the day. I don’t’ really like Mr. Ritis, you know, his full name is Arthur Ritis. He does not like to stay in one place very long so he takes me from joint to joint. After such a busy day, I’m really tired and glad to go to bed with Ben Gay. What a life! I like his scent and he makes me feel cool. These are the five men I have to live with everyday of my life now that I have grown older.
By the way, the preacher came to call the other day. He said at my age I should be thinking about the hereafter. I told him, “Oh, I do that all the time. Whether I am in the parlor, the kitchen, upstairs, or down in the basement, I ask myself –What am I here after?”
Another year has passed, then a new one. I am year older, and so you!

We don’t want to contemplate the issue of growing old because we all want to stay young. No wonder that the cosmetics and health supplement industries are among the most lucrative businesses in the world. Come any recession, these industries remain stable –because we all use their products in order to look young and possibly stretch our life (health) a year longer. However, there is no stopping with aging. We will grow old, and growing old can be done gracefully like that old woman, with humor and a positive disposition in life.


  1. Lol! I really enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing it. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I don't want to grow old contemplating about growing old.

  3. well, who wants too? but it is the inevitable eh ^^,

    Thanks for dropping bu guys!

  4. It is possible to slow aging down and even reverse it by taking good care of oneself, especially of one's heart, the love and life muscle. I have developed a fitness program called Fun-in Fitness where instead of working out you fun-in and gain energy instead of working it out.

  5. yeah you can't stop growing old but you can make growing old bearable and i'd like to think that when i grow old i'll have the humor of this woman! she's like my uncle who's 90 years old now but still manage to carry i sack of rice, go around the town in his bike and loves to tell humorous stories. 20 years ago he won a daily contest in eat bulaga something like 'super lolo' his talent is singing. the whole town in our province in laguna were so proud of him and that's what you call 'aging gracefully' nice post!

  6. @ Dhanamjaya

    I think that is one of the most important key -good health.

    @ Race

    'couldn't agree more. Kudos to your lolo Race ^^

  7. Fuuny post that makes sense. Have a healthy mind to sustain a healthy body. Humor and a positive disposition are definitely a start. We might still need some healthy food and physical exercise, though...

  8. he's not my lolo he's my uncle hahaha! my mom is the youngest in their family!

  9. @ suzanne

    healthy food (balance diet) is definitely a must.

    @ race

    awts. I see ^^

  10. very nice. yeah, no matter what, we will age. i think it's just a matter of acceptance. Not that we really have to stop the good grooming thing like wearing make-ups(for ladies) but its just being content and happy about life as each year adds in us. As for me, if I once enjoyed being a child,also enjoyed being in my teen and now enjoying being in my early adulthood,then why not enjoy the same phase when if ever I reach getting really old? I very much agree with you--its just a matter of having a positive disposition in life.

  11. That article brought a smile to my face. Very well written.

    I enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing :)


  12. Hi. I like your posts. care to exchange links?

  13. That was fun! We are getting older everyday, but we're all young at heart.

  14. I've noticed two types of aging people. Those who get better with age, wiser and kinder, and those who turn into sour crab apples. I guess what we are in our youth, we only become moreso in our old age. So if in our youth we are young crabapples, we'll only turn into even more bitter ones later on. But if we are sweet apples to start out with, there is a good chance we'll turn into a delightful ripe old sweet apple individual, who ages with grace and dignity.

  15. @ ev

    Acceptance of the inevitable sin life, like growing old, is the one of the keys to a happy and fulfilling life. Plus, like what you said, having the sense to enjoy each stage in our life.

    @ schizoshrink

    Sure, np. I will link you now.

    Btw, cool pseudonym there combining a patient-counselor monicker eh ^^

    @ ron

    well as they say: kalabaw lang naman ang tumatanda! ^^

    @ david

    I completely agree with you. Who we are now, is actually a product of what we did in the past. Although, with resolve, anyone can always change for the better.

  16. thanks! i linked u up too.. dropped ec too.. keep posting! =)


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