
Monday, October 19, 2009

Why I buy 2 pairs of shoes every other year?

I don’t collect shoes. But I know some do. Beginning from my mom, my sister, my ex-wife and a couple of my ex-girlfriends. Okay, don’t take me wrong if I have obviously mentioned the women who were (some once) dear to me.president_obama_business_shoes

I am the type who typically buys shoes every other year. Yeah, you read it right; I buy shoes every other year. I have a pair of running shoes and a pair of sneakers that I actually bought more than 5 years ago. And I am not likely to buy new pairs of those in the next couple of years. They are still in good condition, and still serve my purpose well.

On the other hand, I buy 2 pairs of ‘business’ shoes every other year. I usually go for comfort, durability, and the least, on style. Although you enjoy a more comfortable pair of shoes after a month of wearing them everyday, or sometimes longer. Like Mr. Obama, I still prefer wearing a pair with worn-out soles because they are comfortable.

Price has never been an issue for me, because I save money for this once every 2 years buying affair. You may ask, why 2 pairs? Oh, because I try to wear them alternately. And I call them my 'business' shoes or working shoes, because these are the pairs that I wear everyday going about my business. I would even refer to them as my business partners. Yeah, I do.

An old mentor of mine during my days as a salesman (by the way, I still do some selling these days, otherwise, I will run out of clients) told me that you can easily qualify a client who has the capability and authority to buy by looking at what shoes they are wearing. I took him seriously, and proved him to be right at 7 over 10 batting averages. Meaning, I was able to accurately qualify 7 decision makers or bonafide buyers out 10 potential clients who walked in our sales showroom or whom I called on their offices. Hence, since then, I have always invested on the best shoes I can afford so that I project a credible, and sometimes commanding, impression.

That’s my shoes story? What’s yours?

By the way, you might want to check-out this online shoes buying guide. Many thanks.